The Different Languages

The Different Languages

How to say “Zipper” in Different Languages?

Here’s how to say “zipper” in several different languages:

Arabic: سحّاب (Sah-haab)

Bengali: জিপার (Jipaar)

Chinese (Simplified): 拉链 (Lāliàn)

Chinese (Traditional): 拉鍊 (Lāliàn)

Czech: Zip (Zip)

Danish: Lynlås (Lyn-lows)

Dutch: Rits (Rits)

Finnish: Vetoketju (Veh-toh-keh-tyoo)

French: Fermeture éclair (Fer-meh-ture eh-clair)

German: Reißverschluss (Ryss-ver-schlooss)

Greek: Φερμουάρ (Fermouar)

Hebrew: רוכסן (Rokhsan)

Hindi: ज़िप (Zip)

Hungarian: Cipzár (Tseep-zaar)

Italian: Cerniera (Cher-nee-era)

Japanese: ジッパー (Jippaa)

Korean: 지퍼 (Jipeo)

Norwegian: Glidelås (Glee-deh-los)

Polish: Zamek błyskawiczny (Zah-mek bwees-kah-vich-ny)

Portuguese: Zíper (Zee-per)

Russian: Молния (Mol-nee-ya)

Spanish: Cremallera (Cre-mah-yeh-rah)

Swedish: Dragkedja (Drag-ked-ya)

Turkish: Fermuar (Fer-moo-ar)

Vietnamese: Khóa kéo (Khoa keo)

This list provides a glimpse into the varied words used to describe a common object like a zipper, showcasing linguistic diversity across different cultures.

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