The Different Languages

The Different Languages

Words That Begin With Z

The letter “Z” can mean different things depending on the context and language. For example, in some languages, “Z” represents a specific sound or letter that might not exist in English. People often search for “Z in other languages” to understand how this letter functions across different linguistic systems. This curiosity can arise from a need to learn new words, explore linguistic diversity, or understand how certain sounds are represented in different alphabets.

Exploring “Z in different languages” can reveal fascinating variations, such as how the letter is pronounced or its role in various writing systems. This search helps language learners and enthusiasts appreciate the rich diversity of languages and their unique characteristics.

Here is a list of 300 words that start with the letter Z, along with their meanings:

  • Zebra – A striped African mammal.
  • Zenith – The highest point.
  • Zephyr – A gentle breeze.
  • Zeal – Enthusiastic devotion.
  • Zest – Great enthusiasm or energy.
  • Zero – The numerical value of nothing.
  • Zinc – A chemical element.
  • Zipper – A fastening device.
  • Zodiac – An imaginary belt in the sky divided into 12 signs.
  • Zombie – A reanimated corpse.
  • Zoology – The study of animals.
  • Zoning – Dividing an area into zones.
  • Zucchini – A type of squash.
  • Zipper – A device for fastening clothing.
  • Zebrawood – A type of wood with a striped appearance.
  • Zany – Silly or crazy.
  • Zigzag – A pattern of sharp turns.
  • Zymology – The study of fermentation.
  • Zodiacal – Related to the zodiac.
  • Zeppelin – A type of rigid airship.
  • Zany – Amusingly unconventional.
  • Zestful – Full of energy.
  • Ziggurat – A type of stepped pyramid.
  • Zebu – A type of domesticated cattle.
  • Zestiness – The quality of being lively or energetic.
  • Zealot – A person who is fervently devoted.
  • Zincate – A compound containing zinc.
  • Zen – A school of Mahayana Buddhism.
  • Zincify – To coat with zinc.
  • Zoologist – A scientist who studies animals.
  • Zinger – A clever or witty remark.
  • Zodiac sign – One of the twelve signs of the zodiac.
  • Zoological – Pertaining to zoology.
  • Zymotic – Relating to or caused by fermentation.
  • Zookeeper – A person who takes care of animals in a zoo.
  • Zestful – Showing great enthusiasm.
  • Zodiacally – In a manner related to the zodiac.
  • Zincograph – A printing process involving zinc plates.
  • Zincification – The process of coating with zinc.
  • Zygote – The initial cell formed when two gametes merge.
  • Zither – A stringed musical instrument.
  • Zebraic – Pertaining to zebras.
  • Zygomatic – Relating to the cheekbone.
  • Zestfully – In a zestful manner.
  • Zymogen – An inactive enzyme precursor.
  • Zarzuela – A Spanish operatic form.
  • Zarathustrian – Pertaining to Zoroastrianism.
  • Zinfandel – A variety of red wine grape.
  • Zymology – The study of fermentation processes.
  • Zentangle – A method of creating structured patterns.
  • Zenlike – Characteristic of Zen.
  • Zeppelins – Multiple rigid airships.
  • Zebroids – Hybrids of zebras and other equines.
  • Zebu – A type of domesticated cattle.
  • Zircon – A mineral used as a gemstone.
  • Zoning – The act of dividing an area into zones.
  • Zest – Enthusiastic and energetic enjoyment.
  • Zymurgy – The study or practice of fermentation in brewing.
  • Zealously – With great energy or enthusiasm.
  • Zaire – Former name of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
  • Zoning – Designation of land for specific uses.
  • Zillion – An extremely large number.
  • Zoroastrian – Related to the ancient religion founded by Zoroaster.
  • Zodiacally – In a way related to the zodiac.
  • Zymogenous – Causing fermentation.
  • Zygomatic – Pertaining to the cheekbone.
  • Zygoid – Referring to a type of bone structure.
  • Zealot – An ardent follower or enthusiast.
  • Zincous – Containing or related to zinc.
  • Zirconia – A white crystalline oxide of zirconium.
  • Zirconium – A chemical element with symbol Zr.
  • Zoologist – An expert in animal biology.
  • Zincify – To apply zinc coating.
  • Zebrawood – Wood with dark and light stripes.
  • Zygospore – A spore formed by the fusion of two cells.
  • Zebraic – Pertaining to zebras.
  • Zymotic – Related to fermentation diseases.
  • Zircon – A mineral that comes in various colors.
  • Zonal – Pertaining to zones or regions.
  • Zoologic – Related to the study of animals.
  • Zoological – Connected with zoology.
  • Zymological – Related to the study of fermentation.
  • Zygomatic – Pertaining to the zygoma (cheekbone).
  • Zygospore – A type of spore formed during reproduction.
  • Zinfandel – A type of red wine grape variety.
  • Zephyr – A soft, gentle breeze.
  • Zeal – Intense enthusiasm.
  • Zebra – An African animal with stripes.
  • Zenith – The highest point or peak.
  • Zipper – A fastening device for clothes.
  • Zodiac – An imaginary belt in the sky.
  • Zany – Silly or eccentric.
  • Zoology – The scientific study of animals.
  • Zucchini – A type of summer squash.
  • Zeppelin – A type of airship.
  • Zebrawood – Wood with a striped appearance.
  • Zestful – Energetic and enthusiastic.
  • Zygote – The cell formed by the union of two gametes.
  • Zircon – A gemstone with a variety of colors
  • Zymology – The science of fermentation.
  • Zebraic – Related to zebras or their patterns.
  • Zinnia – A type of flowering plant.
  • Zonal – Pertaining to a specific zone.
  • Zealot – A person with strong beliefs.
  • Zodiacal – Pertaining to the zodiac.
  • Zymotic – Related to fermentation processes.
  • Zincate – A compound containing zinc.
  • Zephyr – A gentle, mild breeze.
  • Zincous – Containing or related to zinc.
  • Zoologist – An expert in animal sciences.
  • Zincify – To coat or treat with zinc.
  • Zirconium – A chemical element used in various applications.
  • Zippered – Fastened with a zipper.
  • Zymotic – Causing or related to fermentation.
  • Zoological – Pertaining to the study of animals.
  • Zygospore – A type of spore formed during reproduction.
  • Zinc – A chemical element used in alloys and batteries.
  • Zebra – A striped mammal native to Africa.
  • Zenith – The highest point in the sky.
  • Zephyr – A gentle, light breeze.
  • Zeal – Enthusiasm and passion.
  • Zoning – The division of land for different uses.
  • Zodiac – An imaginary belt of the sky divided into twelve signs.
  • Zombie – A fictional reanimated corpse.
  • Zoology – The branch of biology dealing with animals.
  • Zucchini – A green summer squash.
  • Zapper – A device used to eliminate pests.
  • Zodiacal – Pertaining to the zodiac signs.
  • Zymotic – Relating to fermentation or fermentative diseases.
  • Zinnia – A flowering plant known for its bright colors.
  • Zany – Silly or absurdly comical.
  • Zygoid – A type of bone or anatomical structure.
  • Zingy – Full of energy and excitement.
  • Zesty – Having a strong, pleasant flavor.
  • Zebraic – Pertaining to zebra patterns or characteristics.
  • Zealot – A person with fervent devotion to a cause.
  • Zirconia – A white or transparent gemstone.
  • Zebra – An African horse-like mammal with black-and-white stripes.
  • Zincate – A compound containing zinc.
  • Zephyr – A gentle, mild wind.
  • Zodiac – The twelve signs dividing the celestial belt.
  • Zoologist – A scientist who studies animals.
  • Zinco – A substance or compound related to zinc.
  • Zestful – Energetically enthusiastic.
  • Zany – Amusingly unconventional or bizarre.
  • Zebroid – A hybrid animal with zebra parentage.
  • Zymogenous – Causing or related to fermentation.
  • Zibeline – A type of fabric made from animal fur.
  • Zymography – The study of the effects of fermentation.
  • Zealotry – Fanatical devotion to a cause.
  • Zoologic – Pertaining to zoology.
  • Zoonotic – Transmittable from animals to humans.
  • Zygomatic – Pertaining to the cheekbone.
  • Zygospore – A type of spore resulting from sexual reproduction.
  • Zincous – Containing or related to zinc.
  • Zymology – The science of fermentation and brewing.
  • Zander – A type of fish found in Europe.
  • Zodiac – An imaginary belt in the heavens.
  • Zing – A sharp or lively quality.
  • Zircon – A mineral used as a gemstone.
  • Zapper – A device used for killing pests.
  • Zinc – A chemical element used in various applications.
  • Zephyr – A light breeze.
  • Zootomy – The dissection of animals for study.
  • Zephyr – A gentle wind.
  • Zincify – To treat or coat with zinc.
  • Zoologist – An expert in animal biology.
  • Zyrtec – A brand name for an antihistamine.
  • Zoological – Related to zoology or animal study.
  • Zeppelin – A type of large airship.
  • Zucchini – A variety of summer squash.
  • Zootomy – The dissection of animals.
  • Zealot – A fervent advocate.
  • Zebra – An African animal with distinctive stripes.
  • Zither – A musical instrument.
  • Zephyr – A light, gentle breeze.
  • Zincate – A type of compound containing zinc.
  • Zodiac – A band of the sky divided into twelve signs.
  • Zymosis – The fermentation process.
  • Zingy – Full of energy and enthusiasm.
  • Zirconia – A type of gemstone or ceramic material.
  • Zoologist – A scientist specializing in animal life.
  • Zymotic – Pertaining to fermentation.
  • Zebraic – Related to the appearance or characteristics of zebras.
  • Zany – Comically absurd.
  • Zestful – Enthusiastic and energetic.
  • Zealot – A person who is passionate about a cause.
  • Zoologic – Pertaining to the study of animals.
  • Zygoid – Relating to a type of anatomical structure.
  • Zincous – Containing or related to zinc.
  • Zincify – To cover or treat with zinc.
  • Zoologist – One who studies animals.
  • Zebra – An animal with black and white stripes.
  • Zymology – The study of fermentation processes.
  • Zoning – The division of land into different areas.
  • Zephyr – A light breeze.
  • Zinnia – A flowering plant.
  • Zeppelin – A type of large airship.
  • Zircon – A type of mineral.
  • Zigzag – A pattern of sharp turns.
  • Zebrawood – Wood with a striped appearance.
  • Zeal – Enthusiastic and passionate devotion.
  • Zoology – The scientific study of animals.
  • Zany – Amusingly unconventional.
  • Zoning – The act of dividing land into zones.
  • Zirconia – A white gemstone.
  • Zygote – The cell formed by the union of two gametes.
  • Zoologist – A person who studies animals.
  • Zephyr – A gentle breeze.
  • Zincate – A compound with zinc.
  • Zipper – A fastening device.
  • Zygomatic – Relating to the cheekbone.
  • Zodiac – The twelve signs of astrology.
  • Zebra – An African animal with stripes.
  • Zealot – A fervent believer.
  • Zoning – The process of designating land for specific uses.
  • Zinc – A metallic element.
  • Zoologist – An expert in animal science.
  • Zippered – Fastened with a zipper.
  • Zany – Silly or eccentric.
  • Zinco – Relating to zinc.
  • Zephyr – A mild breeze.
  • Zucchini – A type of squash.
  • Zymotic – Pertaining to fermentation.
  • Zebraic – Related to zebras.
  • Zoological – Pertaining to animals.
  • Zipper – A fastening device for clothing.
  • Zymology – The study of fermentation.
  • Zircon – A gemstone.
  • Zeal – Great enthusiasm.
  • Zealot – A person who is passionate about something.
  • Zestful – Full of energy.
  • Zephyr – A gentle wind.
  • Zodiac – A band of the sky divided into twelve signs.
  • Zebra – An African mammal with stripes.
  • Zebraic – Pertaining to the appearance of zebras.
  • Zincous – Containing zinc.
  • Zoologist – A scientist who studies animals.
  • Zygoid – Related to a type of bone structure.
  • Zinfandel – A type of wine grape.
  • Zeppelin – A type of airship.
  • Zodiacal – Pertaining to the zodiac signs.
  • Zucchini – A summer squash.
  • Zymotic – Pertaining to fermentation.
  • Zesty – Having a strong flavor.
  • Zygoid – Pertaining to the zygoma (cheekbone).
  • Zirconia – A ceramic material.
  • Zoologic – Related to zoology.
  • Zebraic – Pertaining to zebra patterns.
  • Zygoid – Related to anatomical structures.
  • Zealot – A person who is fervently devoted to a cause.
  • Zinnia – A flowering plant with bright colors.
  • Zoning – Dividing land into areas for specific uses.
  • Zephyr – A light, gentle breeze.
  • Zebra – An animal with distinctive stripes.
  • Zeal – Enthusiastic devotion.
  • Zincify – To treat with zinc.
  • Zoologist – A scientist specializing in animal life.
  • Zodiac – A band of constellations.
  • Zincate – A zinc compound.
  • Zircon – A mineral or gemstone.
  • Zeppelin – A large airship.
  • Zebraic – Pertaining to zebra features.
  • Zestful – Full of enthusiasm.
  • Zymology – The science of fermentation.
  • Zealot – A fervent supporter.
  • Zirconia – A gemstone material.
  • Zoologic – Pertaining to animal science.
  • Zincous – Related to or containing zinc.
  • Zephyr – A mild, gentle wind.
  • Zoning – Designating land for specific purposes.
  • Zippered – Fastened with a zipper.
  • Zebra – An African striped mammal.
  • Zealot – Someone with passionate beliefs.
  • Zoological – Related to the study of animals.
  • Zucchini – A type of summer squash.
  • Zephyr – A light, refreshing breeze.
  • Zodiacal – Pertaining to the zodiac signs.
  • Zymotic – Related to fermentation processes.
  • Zirconia – A type of ceramic material.
  • Zebraic – Related to the appearance of zebras.
  • Zeal – Passionate enthusiasm.
  • Zoologist – A specialist in animal science.
  • Zoning – The process of allocating land uses.
  • Zephyr – A soft breeze.
  • Zucchini – A green vegetable.
  • Zygoid – Pertaining to the zygoma.
  • Zealot – A devoted enthusiast.
  • Zircon – A gemstone with various colors.
  • Zymology – Study of fermentation.
  • Zebroid – A hybrid between a zebra and another equine.
  • Zoologic – Related to zoology.
  • Zesty – Having a sharp flavor.
  • Zephyr – A gentle wind.
  • Zincate – A chemical compound with zinc.
  • Zinnia – A brightly colored flowering plant.
  • Zealot – An ardent follower.
  • Zodiac – A celestial belt with signs.
  • Zoological – Pertaining to animal studies.
  • Zebra – A mammal with distinctive black and white stripes.

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