The Different Languages

How to say Steegle Image Drop Shadow in Different Languages

Steegle image drop shadow refers to a graphical effect that adds a shadow behind an image to give it a more three-dimensional appearance. People often search for “Steegle image drop shadow in different languages” to find out how this digital art graphic term is expressed in different languages, reflecting a need to understand or implement the effect in diverse linguistic contexts. Similarly, “steegle image drop shadow in different languages” highlights the interest in how this concept is conveyed globally.

Here are 100 Different languages for the Steel Image Drop Shadow

Afrikaans: steegle beeld skadu (steh-gleh beeld skah-doo)

Arabic: ظل صورة ستجل (dhil soora stee-gel)

Armenian: ստիգլի պատկերային ստվեր (stih-gli pat-ger-ayin stver)

Basque: steegle irudi itzal (stee-glee ee-roo-dee eet-sahl)

Belarusian: ценевая тень Steegle (tsen-yay-va-ya tyen’ Stee-gle)

Bengali: স্টীগল চিত্র ছায়া (stee-gol chitro chhaya)

Bulgarian: сянка на изображението Steegle (syan-ka na izo-bra-zhe-ni-ye-to Stee-gle)

Catalan: ombra de la imatge Steegle (om-bra de la ee-mat-je Stee-gle)

Chinese (Simplified): Steegle 图片阴影 (Stee-gle too-pian yin-ying)

Chinese (Traditional): Steegle 圖片陰影 (Stee-gle to-pien yin-ying)

Croatian: Steegle slika sjena (Stee-gle slee-ka syena)

Czech: stín obrázku Steegle (steen oh-bra-zkoo Stee-gle)

Danish: Steegle billedskygge (Stee-gle bil-led-skygge)

Dutch: Steegle afbeelding schaduw (Stee-gle af-bee-l ding skah-dow)

Estonian: Steegle pildi vari (Stee-gle pil-dee vah-ree)

Finnish: Steegle-kuvan varjo (Stee-gle koo-van vahr-yo)

French: ombre portée de l’image Steegle (om-bray por-tay duh lee-mahz Stee-gle)

Galician: sombra da imaxe Steegle (som-bra da ee-mah-chay Stee-gle)

Georgian: Steegle სურათის ჩრდილი (Stee-gle soo-ra-tis ts’r-dil-i)

German: Steegle Bildschatten (Stee-gle bild-sha-ten)

Greek: σκιά εικόνας Steegle (skia ee-ko-nas Stee-gle)

Gujarati: સ્ટિગલ છાયાબાવડ (stee-gal chhaayabavd)

Hebrew: צללית תמונה Steegle (tsal-lit tmu-na Stee-gle)

Hindi: Steegle छवि छाया (Stee-gle chhavi chhaya)

Hungarian: Steegle kép árnyék (Stee-gle kayp ar-nyehk)

Icelandic: Steegle myndaskuggi (Stee-gle minda-skoog-ee)

Indonesian: bayangan gambar Steegle (ba-yan-gan gam-bar Stee-gle)

Irish: scáth íomhá Steegle (skaw ee-uh Stee-gle)

Italian: ombra dell’immagine Steegle (om-bra del-eem-mah-jee-ne Stee-gle)

Japanese: Steegle 画像の影 (Stee-gle gazou no kage)

Javanese: steegle gambar bayangan (stee-gle gam-bar ba-yan-gan)

Kannada: Steegle ಚಿತ್ರ ನೆರಳು (Stee-gle chitra neralu)

Kazakh: Steegle сурет көлеңкесі (Stee-gle soo-ret koe-len-ke-si)

Khmer: Steegle រូបភាពជំនៅ (Stee-gle roob-pee-up chom-nu)

Korean: Steegle 이미지 그림자 (Stee-gle ee-mee-ji geu-rim-ja)

Kurdish: Steegle wêne şadow (Stee-gle weh-nay sha-dow)

Kyrgyz: Steegle сүрөт көлеңкө (Stee-gle soo-rot koe-len-ko)

Lao: Steegle ຮູບປະຈໍາໃຈ (Stee-gle hoob pa-cham-jai)

Latvian: Steegle attēla ēna (Stee-gle at-tay-la eh-na)

Lithuanian: Steegle vaizdo šešėlis (Stee-gle vaiz-do she-she-lis)

Macedonian: Steegle сенка на сликата (Stee-gle sen-ka na sree-ka-ta)

Malay: bayang gambar Steegle (ba-yang gam-bar Stee-gle)

Malayalam: Steegle ചിത്രം നിഴൽ (Stee-gle chitra nizhal)

Maltese: Steegle dell-immaġni (Stee-gle dell-im-mah-gni)

Marathi: Steegle चित्र सावली (Stee-gle chitra sawali)

Mongolian: Steegle зураг сүүдэр (Stee-gle zu-rag suu-der)

Nepali: Steegle छवि छाया (Stee-gle chhavi chhaya)

Norwegian: Steegle bilde skygge (Stee-gle bil-de skyg-ge)

Persian: سایه تصویر Steegle (sa-yeh tas-veer Stee-gle)

Polish: Steegle cień obrazu (Stee-gle chyen oh-bra-zoo)

Portuguese: sombra da imagem Steegle (som-bra da ee-mah-zhem Stee-gle)

Punjabi: Steegle ਚਿੱਤਰ ਛਾਂਹ (Stee-gle chitr chhaanh)

Romanian: umbra imaginii Steegle (oom-bra ee-mah-jee-nee Stee-gle)

Russian: тень изображения Steegle (tyen’ izo-bra-zhe-ni-ya Stee-gle)

Serbian: Steegle senka slike (Stee-gle sen-ka slee-ke)

Slovak: Steegle tiene obrázka (Stee-gle tee-en-ay oh-bra-zka)

Slovenian: Steegle senca slike (Stee-gle sen-tsa slee-ke)

Spanish: sombra de la imagen Steegle (som-bra de la ee-mah-hen Stee-gle)

Swahili: mvuke picha Steegle (mvoo-kay pee-cha Stee-gle)

Swedish: Steegle bildskugga (Stee-gle bild-skoog-uh)

Tamil: Steegle படம் நிழல் (Stee-gle padam nizhal)

Telugu: Steegle చిత్రం నీడ (Stee-gle chitra needa)

Thai: เงาของภาพ Steegle (ngaow khong phap Stee-gle)

Turkish: Steegle resim gölgesi (Stee-gle reh-sim gohl-ge-si)

Ukrainian: тінь зображення Steegle (teen’ zo-bra-zhenn-ya Stee-gle)

Urdu: Steegle تصویر سایہ (Stee-gle tasveer saaya)

Uzbek: Steegle rasm soyasi (Stee-gle ras-m so-ya-si)

Vietnamese: bóng hình Steegle (bong hin Stee-gle)

Welsh: cysgod delwedd Steegle (kus-god del-weth Stee-gle)

Xhosa: umbombo wesithombe Steegle (um-bom-bo we-see-thom-be Stee-gle)

Yoruba: Steegle aworan ojiji (Stee-gle a-wor-on o-ji-ji)

Zulu: isithunzi sokuqapha Steegle (isi-thun-zi so-koo-a-pha Stee-gle)

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