The word “scope” refers to the extent or range of something, such as abilities, activities, or areas of interest. People search for “Scope in different languages” to understand how this term is used and pronounced across cultures. Understanding the “Scope in Other languages in different Countries” helps in communication, translation, and expanding global perspectives.
Scope in 100 Different Languages Read Now!
Afrikaans: omvang (om-van)
Albanian: shtrirje (sh-tree-rye)
Amharic: አክስም (a-kis-im)
Arabic: نطاق (ni-taaq)
Armenian: տիրույթ (tir-uyt)
Azerbaijani: əhatə (a-ha-te)
Basque: eskala (es-ka-la)
Belarusian: маштаб (mashtab)
Bengali: ব্যাপ্তি (byap-ti)
Bosnian: opseg (op-seg)
Bulgarian: обхват (ob-khvat)
Catalan: abast (a-bast)
Cebuano: sakup (sa-kup)
Chinese (Mandarin): 范围 (fan-wei)
Croatian: opseg (op-seg)
Czech: rozsah (roz-sah)
Danish: omfang (om-fang)
Dutch: bereik (be-rike)
English: scope (skohp)
Estonian: ulatus (oo-la-tus)
Finnish: laajuus (lah-yuus)
French: portée (por-te)
Georgian: არეალი (ar-e-a-li)
German: Umfang (um-fang)
Greek: εύρος (e-vros)
Gujarati: વ્યાપ (vyap)
Haitian Creole: gwosè (gwo-se)
Hausa: iyaka (i-ya-ka)
Hebrew: טווח (tvakh)
Hindi: दायरा (dah-ya-ra)
Hungarian: terjedelem (ter-ye-de-lem)
Icelandic: umfang (um-fang)
Igbo: oke (o-ke)
Indonesian: cakupan (cha-ku-pan)
Irish: raon (reen)
Italian: portata (por-ta-ta)
Japanese: 範囲 (han-i)
Javanese: cakupan (cha-ku-pan)
Kannada: ವ್ಯಾಪ್ತಿ (vyap-ti)
Kazakh: ауқым (au-kym)
Khmer: វិសាលភាព (vi-sal-phiep)
Korean: 범위 (beom-wi)
Kurdish (Kurmanji): balê (ba-le)
Kyrgyz: масштаб (mashtab)
Lao: ຂອບເຂດ (khob khet)
Latvian: apjoms (ap-joms)
Lithuanian: apimtis (ap-im-tis)
Luxembourgish: Ëmfang (um-fang)
Macedonian: опфат (opfat)
Malagasy: fetrany (fet-ra-ny)
Malay: skop (skop)
Malayalam: പരിധി (pa-ri-dhi)
Maltese: ambitu (am-bi-tu)
Maori: whānuitanga (faa-nui-tang-a)
Marathi: व्याप्ती (vyap-ti)
Mongolian: хамрах хүрээ (kham-rakh khur-ee)
Nepali: दायरा (dah-ya-ra)
Norwegian: omfang (om-fang)
Pashto: حدود (hudu-d)
Persian: دامنه (da-me-ne)
Polish: zakres (zah-kres)
Portuguese: escopo (es-ko-po)
Punjabi: ਦਾਇਰਾ (dah-ya-ra)
Romanian: sferă (sfe-ra)
Russian: масштаб (mashtab)
Samoan: laulau (la-u-lau)
Serbian: опсег (op-seg)
Sesotho: boholo (bo-ho-lo)
Sinhala: පරාසය (pa-ra-sa-ya)
Slovak: rozsah (roz-sah)
Slovenian: obseg (ob-seg)
Somali: xuduud (hu-duud)
Spanish: alcance (al-kan-seh)
Sundanese: lingkup (ling-kup)
Swahili: wigo (wi-go)
Swedish: omfattning (om-fat-ning)
Tagalog: saklaw (sak-law)
Tamil: அளவு (a-la-vu)
Telugu: పరిధి (pa-ri-dhi)
Thai: ขอบเขต (khop-khet)
Turkish: kapsam (kap-sam)
Ukrainian: масштаб (mashtab)
Urdu: دائرہ (dah-ya-ra)
Uzbek: doira (doy-ra)
Vietnamese: phạm vi (pham vi)
Welsh: cwmpas (koom-pas)
Xhosa: ububanzi (oo-boo-ban-zee)
Yiddish: פּאַמלעש (pam-lish)
Yoruba: iwọn (ee-gwo-ran)
Zulu: isilinganiso (isi-linga-niso)
Learning the term “scope” in different languages offers a fascinating look into how different cultures interpret and use this versatile concept. The list highlights that while the word may vary in pronunciation, its meaning remains universally understood.