The Different Languages

The Different Languages

How to Say NFT In Different Languages

NFT stands for Non Fungible Token, which represents a unique digital asset verified using blockchain technology. NFT is frequently searched for in different languages so that people can gain a better understanding of how the concept is expressed in different cultures around the world and engage with diverse communities interested in digital art and collectibles. “NFT in different languages” emphasizes the differences in translation and usage across cultures.

Here are 100 Different languages for the NFT

Afrikaans (af-ree-kahns): NFT  

Arabic (ar-uh-beek): رمز غير قابل للاستبدال (Ramz ghayr qabil lil-ista’baal)  

Armenian (ahr-mee-nee-uhn): Անհատական վարկանիշ (Anhatakan varkinish)  

Basque (bask): NFT  

Belarusian (byuh-luh-roo-see-uhn): НФТ (NFT)  

Bengali (ben-gaw-lee): এনএফটি (En’eph’ti)  

Bosnian (boz-nee-uhn): NFT  

Bulgarian (buhl-gair-ee-uhn): НФТ (NFT)  

Catalan (kat-uh-lan): NFT  

Chinese (Simplified) (chy-neez): 非同质化代币 (Fēi tóng zhì huà dàibì)  

Chinese (Traditional) (chy-neez): 非同質化代幣 (Fēi tóng zhì huà dàibì)  

Croatian (kroh-ay-shuhn): NFT  

Czech (chek): NFT  

Danish (day-nish): NFT  

Dutch (duh-ch): NFT  

Estonian (es-toh-nee-uhn): NFT  

Finnish (fin-ish): NFT

French (french): NFT

Galician (guh-lee-shuhn): NFT

Georgian (jawr-juhn): NFT

German (jer-muhn): NFT

Greek (gree-k): Μη ανταλλάξιμοι κωδικοί (Mi antalláximoi kodikoí)

Gujarati (goo-jar-uh-tee): એનએફટી (En’eph’ti)

Hebrew (hee-broo): אסימון ייחודי (Asimon yeḥudi)

Hindi (hin-dee): एनएफटी (En’eph’ti)

Hungarian (huhn-gair-ee-uhn): NFT

Icelandic (eye-sland-ik): NFT

Indonesian (in-doh-nee-zhuhn): NFT

Irish (ai-ree): NFT

Italian (it-al-yuhn): NFT

Japanese (ja-puh-neez): 非代替性トークン (Hi daitai-sei tōkun)

Javanese (jah-vuh-neez): NFT

Kazakh (kaw-zahk): NFT

Korean (koh-ree-uhn): NFT

Kurdish (kur-dish): NFT

Latvian (lat-vee-uhn): NFT

Lithuanian (lith-yoo-ayn): NFT

Macedonian (mak-uh-doh-nee-uhn): NFT

Malay (muh-lay): NFT

Malayalam (muh-luh-yah-luhm): എൻഎഫ്റ്റി (En’eph’ti)

Maltese (mahl-teez): NFT

Norwegian (nor-wee-uhn): NFT

Pashto (pahsh-toh): NFT

Persian (per-zhuhn): توکن غیرقابل تعویض (Tūkin gheyrekābel ta’vīz)

Polish (poh-lish): NFT

Portuguese (por-too-geeze): NFT

Punjabi (puhn-jah-bee): ਐਨਐਫਟੀ (En’eph’ti)

Romanian (roh-may-nee-uhn): NFT

Russian (ruh-shuhn): НФТ (NFT)

Serbian (ser-bee-uhn): NFT

Sinhala (sin-huh-luh): NFT

Slovak (slo-vahk): NFT

Slovenian (sloh-vee-nee-uhn): NFT  

Spanish (span-ish): NFT

Swahili (swah-hee-lee): NFT

Swedish (swee-dish): NFT

Tagalog (tuh-gah-log): NFT

Thai (tai): โทเค็นที่ไม่สามารถแลกเปลี่ยนได้ (Thōkhēn thī̀ mī samāth chāngbplīan dāi)

Turkish (tur-kish): NFT

Ukrainian (yoo-kray-nee-uhn): NFT

Urdu (ur-doo): این ایف ٹی (En’eph’ti)

Uzbek (ooz-bek): NFT

Vietnamese (vee-et-nam-eez): NFT

Welsh (welsh): NFT

Xhosa (khoh-sah): NFT

Yoruba (yo-roo-bah): NFT

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